Shipping Policy: Online sales are considered mail order sales and therefore are not required to issue an invoice as provided by article 22 of the Presidential Decree No. 633 of 1972, and there is no obligation to issue a fiscal receipt as provided by article 2, letter oo), of the Presidential Decree of December 21, 1996, No. 696.

Read more on the Italian E-commerce Association (AICEL) website


The term “online sales contract” refers to the sales contract relating to the physical goods of the partner company of Parafarmacia Biologica, concluded between them and the Buyer within a system of distance selling through electronic means, organized by the Supplier. The term “Buyer” refers to the physical person consumer who makes the purchase, as per this contract, for purposes not related to any commercial or professional activity possibly carried out. The term “Parafarmacia Biologica” refers to the entity that carries out the promotion of the sale of the goods subject to this contract. The term “PARTNER COMPANY” refers to the entity that performs the sale of the goods subject to this contract.


Supplier: The goods subject to these general conditions are sold by the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica, which is solely responsible for the advertising promotion of the goods in question but not for the sale between the parties. Parafarmacia Biologica, located at …… Buyer: Expressly declares to make the purchase for purposes unrelated to any commercial or professional activity carried out and undertakes not to trade the purchased goods.


With this contract, respectively, the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica sells and the Buyer purchases remotely through electronic means only the physical goods indicated and offered for sale on this site or through our official sales channels. The contract between the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica and the buyer is concluded exclusively through the internet by the Buyer accessing the address of this site, where, following the indicated procedures, the Buyer will formalize the proposal for the purchase of the goods offered for sale. The purchase contract is concluded and finalized by an irrevocable order from the Buyer with the online compilation and sending of the order form, which will be displayed on the web page summary of the order, printable, in which the details of the orderer and the order, the price of the purchased good, and the shipping costs, the methods and terms of payment, the address where the good will be delivered are reported. When the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica receives the order from the Buyer, it will proceed to send a confirmation email and/or display a web page confirming and summarizing the order, printable, in which the data entered by the buyer in the order form are also reported. If requested, the sales invoice will be issued by the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica in electronic format.


The PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica accepts the following payment methods for the purchased products: * Cash on delivery * Bank transfer * Payment with PayPal * Credit card details are managed directly by banks specialized in the management of online payments; PayPal data are managed directly by PayPal. The PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica reserves the right to request verification of the genuineness of the card ownership from the card issuing bank or PayPal in case of issues. Any refund to the Buyer, if entitled, will be credited by reversing the credit card payment, bank transfer, or PayPal, at the latest within 30 days from the date on which the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica became aware of the cause generating the right to refund.


The PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica will deliver the ordered products via agreed couriers. The products are shipped with appropriate packaging; if it arrives torn or punctured, please check the integrity of the product and immediately communicate the damage to the staff of the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica

The order processing times can vary from the same day of the order to a maximum of 40 working days, within which the product will be delivered. If the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica is unable to ship within this period, timely notice will be given by email to the Buyer, indicating the term within which the order will be processed. Delivery times may vary depending on the country of destination and other factors not directly controllable by the Supplier and not attributable to it.


The delivery of its products within the Italian National Territory will occur without having to pay additional sums to what was already agreed upon at the time of the formulation of the order. For all other countries, the courier may present a separate invoice requesting payment of duties and taxes imposed by local authorities. The costs, customs duties, and taxes related to the delivery of a product outside the Italian territory are charged to the Buyer. In the case of non-collection within 5 working days of the material present in storage at the courier’s warehouses due to repeated inability to deliver to the address indicated by the Buyer at the time of the order, the order will be automatically canceled.


The PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica reserves the right to communicate to the Buyer, within 20 days from the receipt of the purchase order, the unavailability of one or more of the products purchased. In this case, the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica will refund the price and shipping costs incurred by the Buyer.


The PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica assumes no responsibility for disruptions caused by force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, even if dependent on malfunctions and disruptions of the internet, in the event that it fails to execute the order within the time stipulated in the contract. The PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica will not be liable for damages, losses, and costs incurred by the Buyer as a result of the non-execution of the contract for the reasons mentioned above, having the Buyer only entitled to a refund of the price paid and any additional charges incurred. Similarly, the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica is not responsible for any fraudulent and illegal use that may be made by third parties, credit cards, checks, and other means of payment, upon payment of the products purchased, if it proves to have taken all possible precautions based on the best science and experience of the moment and based on ordinary diligence.


The Buyer undertakes and obliges, once the online purchase procedure is concluded, to provide for the printing and preservation of these general conditions, which, moreover, will have already viewed and accepted as a necessary step in the purchase, as well as the specifications of the product subject to the purchase, and this in order to fully satisfy the condition of Art. 3 and 4 of Decree No. 185/1999. It is strictly forbidden for the Buyer to enter false, and/or invented, and/or fictitious data in the registration process necessary to activate the process for the execution of this contract and the related further communications; personal data and email must be exclusively their real personal data and not of third parties, or fantasy. It is expressly forbidden to make double registrations corresponding to a single person or enter data of third parties. The PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica reserves the right to legally pursue any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of consumers all.


The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the stipulated contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within the term of 10 working days from the day of receipt of the purchased good. The right of withdrawal is recognized by the Buyer in relation to any goods purchased by him on the site. The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending, within the aforementioned term, a written communication to the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. The communication can be sent, within the same term, also by telegram, telex, e-mail, and fax, provided that it is confirmed by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within the following 48 hours. If the goods have been delivered, the Buyer is obliged to return them to the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica within the term of 15 working days from the date of delivery of the goods. The goods must be returned to the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica complete with all accessories, instruction manuals, and everything originally delivered to the Buyer, as well as packed in its original packaging. The returned product must be accompanied by a copy of the electronic receipt of the order. The costs of returning the goods to the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica are charged to the Buyer. If the right of withdrawal is exercised by the Buyer in accordance with the provisions of this clause, the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica is obliged to reimburse the sums paid by the Buyer. In particular, the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica will proceed to the free transmission of the re-credit order concerning the cost of the shipped goods including shipping costs within 30 days from the date on which it became aware of the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Buyer. This operation is carried out by the bank issuing the credit card used for payment or by crediting the sum to the bank account specified by the Buyer. The PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica has the right to reject any product returned in ways other than those specified above, as well as products for which the return costs have not been fully paid by the Buyer or the methods and times for communication of the exercise of the right of withdrawal have not been respected.


The obligations referred to in point 9, assumed by the Buyer, as well as the guarantee of the successful completion of the payment that the Buyer makes with the means referred to in art. 5, and also the exact fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the PARTNER COMPANY of Parafarmacia Biologica in point 6, have an essential character, so that by express agreement, the non-fulfillment of only one of these obligations, unless determined by chance or force majeure, will result in the legal termination of the contract pursuant to art. 1456 c.c., without the need for a judicial ruling.

Marchio protetto da copyright. Iscrizione al registro delle imprese IT792511. Via Castaldo Giuliacci, 15 cap 20030 Paderno Dugnano MI | P.Iva: IT84635169714